I've heard this question many times while teaching Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. Should I stop tithing and get out of debt first? Well, I knew what the Bible said about debt and tithes, but I had never been in that situation before. And I never thought I would ever have to make that decision.
So when the mortgage bill came that hot summer day, my jaw dropped to the floor. They wanted me to pay $300 more per month because of a mistake their company had made. $300!?! Where was that supposed to come from? I didn't see schoolteachers receiving a raise any time soon, and a part time job while teaching seemed like a bad idea.
I began to pray. Immediately, God whispered, "You already know what to do." And it was true. I had been planning on remodeling my bathroom over the summer so that I could get a roommate. And the rent money would take care of the unexpected $300 debt. The answer was there all along. I just had to follow up.
Quickly, I found someone to redo the bathroom. It turned out great, as you can tell from the previous blogs (although it still needs paint). While I was in the process of getting it redone, I wasn't quite sure how I would pay the extra debt. God answered again. Because I had been paying extra on my car payments for the past year, I could skip a few payments without penalty. Woohoo!!
However, with everything else going on, I still had not found a roommate. During those times of uncertainty, I wondered if I could make ends meet without touching my tithe or my other giving. I would remind God, "You know You promised blessings to those who trust in You, right?" I vowed that I would continue tithing and giving at least until the point of starvation.
One day at lunch I was telling my friend the situation. She started asking people that she knew and found a girl who was interested. Everything was starting to come together. She moved in, and my financial stress vanished.
I knew God was molding me, teaching me to trust Him more. But the part between letting go and grasping for His plan was scary. However, sometimes you just gotta close your eyes, pray to God, and make the jump. And it will be worth it when you finally see the view from the top.
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