Thursday, March 18, 2010

The F Word (Part 4)

There are consequences to your actions. Some are harsh while others may be very mild, depending on the behavior. I like justice. When I was younger, I wanted to be a judge or supreme court justice. (They get summers off too.) But God made me a teacher instead. So here I am.

The man who stole my debit card is still running around. He hasn't had to call and change card numbers. He doesn't know all the effects of his actions. Admittedly, when someone wrongs me or my family, I want them to pay. I want them to know and feel the pain or emotional damage they have caused. But the offender cannot always repay you. Sometimes, they appear to get away with it. Or they only suffer mild punishment. It just doesn't seem fair.

Yesterday I ended with a verse. The part that spoke to me the most was to "get rid of all bitterness." Bitterness is like a weed in your garden. If you don't uproot it, it can keep growing and choke out other healthy plants. Ignoring it won't work. Cutting away only the top part (the part others can see) does not take care of the problem either. It's in the roots. It's the part that no one else sees but you. You may appear like everything is fine, but is it really? Get rid of all bitterness.

"If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat. If he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you." ~Proverbs 25:21-22

When I first came across this scripture, it made me laugh. Literally, dumping burning coals on my enemy sounded like a good idea. But after studying it more, I discovered other meanings behind it. The Message Bible translates it as, "Your generosity will surprise him with goodness." My translation--You will help him to see a godly response rather than a worldly reaction.

Tomorrow, we'll finish by looking at the ultimate forgiveness. Thanks for reading!