Monday, August 10, 2009

Bath Remodel (during)

Though it is much needed, the remodel is not an easy process. Before I can have a beautiful bath, there has to be some demo work.

There's dust and debris pouring out of the room. The bathroom walls are stripped down to the studs. A layer of dust covers most of the house. A trail of debris leads from the garage all the way to the back of the house.

When I wake up each morning, I can barely breathe. All of the dust leaves me congested and coughing. Pieces of debris stick to my feet as I have to walk down the hallway into the other bathroom. Luckily, I have another bathroom to use while mine is out of order.

It's only temporary, I tell myself. I know that there is a promise of new tile, new vanity, new commode, and shiny new chrome. When you know how the story will end, it helps you endure the hardships of the process.