Friday, July 3, 2009

Venting vs. Complaining

"Life's like a crap sandwich, you can eat it or starve."
- Grandpa

If you are breathing, then you are going to have troubles at some point in your life. The question is, do you know how to deal with it? Some troubles are quick, while others stick around so long you think it's a pet.

When problems come up, I have to talk about it. If I don't, I might blow up. So there are a handful of people in my life that I turn to when I need to vent. Those people love me enough to listen or give advice. Once I let my thoughts, feelings, and emotions out, I usually feel better. I consider myself a Venter.

However, this was not always the case. In the past if something negative happened to me, the world must be coming to an end. I would talk about it, and re-talk, and re-talk. Finally, people got tired of hearing the same ole thing. Then I'd lay in bed at night and think about the worst-case scenarios for my life problems. Some nights I wouldn't sleep at all. It was like I thrived on worrying. I had convinced myself, "this was just the way I am and nothing can change that." Also, if something happened it was always someone else's fault. I never took responsibility for my contribution to the problem. I am a recovering Complainer, Worrier, and Fault-finder.

So what is the difference between venting and complaining? I believe venting is airing out your frustrations to a selected person or group of persons. After you've gotten it out, you work to find a solution to the problem. Complaining is an attitude. IF you continue to talk about your troubles without working to solve them, IF you constantly think the worst of every situation, IF you never take responsibility for your actions, you might be a redneck, I mean, a complainer.

And you have to be careful because venting can easily turn into complaining if you are not intentional with your behaviors.

One of my fave bible verses is John 16:33 where Jesus says "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." Believers can have profound contentment, serenity, and peace no matter what happens because Joy does not come from outward circumstances but from inner strength. Find that strength in your Savior Jesus Christ. Press in and press on.