Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I've Never...

This is my first time to vote in a presidential election. First time ever!! Last time I was in Costa Rica during the election. The time before that, I was 2 months too young to vote. Sooo, this is kind of a big deal to me.

4 years ago I was living in Costa Rica. The whole country was pretty much anti-Bush, anti-war, anti-America. It seemed like their country was just as interested in the election as our people were. However, their country was completely one-sided. I don’t think you could find 1 Bush-supporter out of the whole bunch. The family that I stayed with questioned me about my beliefs on politics and repeatedly mumbled, “Mucha guerra” meaning “Too much war.” I learned real quick that I was going to have to stand up for my convictions or continue to be nagged at.

On the night of the election, my fellow Americans (the other 2 girls from my school) and I went to a local bar and grill to watch. Anxiously, we waited for the results. After hours and hours of waiting, finally the news anchor declared, “Bush gano!” which means, “Bush won!” The next day at school, I didn’t hear another word about it. I felt so proud. Proud to live in a country where people have freedom. Freedom to say what they want, believe what they want, and live how they want. The song “God Bless the USA” was going off in my head. “Cuz the flag still stands for freedom, and they can’t take that awaaay-aaay!”

So no matter which side you’re on, remember that brave men and women fought for your right to vote. So get educated, get off the couch, and go cast your ballot.