Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I didn't think it was possible. When I received the gift from one of my students, I thought that this would be the ONE thing that even I could keep alive. Sadly, I found my cactus plant with third degree burns, barely clinging to life. Normally I had kept the plant indoors. However, when I bought a new patio table and chairs I relocated it. Big mistake! I imagined my darling little plant sunning itself on top of the new table. Giving it water (for the week) I thought the cactus was hardy enough that it could take the summer heat. Apparently it could not withstand the 107 degree weather. Now it's fighting for its life in the ICU next to the kitchen sink. I'm hoping this baby makes it. Cuz if not, I'll be wanted for plant murder. (Not my first offense either.)


Robin Meadows said...

Hey, thanks for visiting my blog! (Great words, btw) ;)

Plant murderer? I know a bit about that myself.

Just be sure to NOT overwater this baby now. Also, if there is one healthy segment of that plant, you can put it in a little water and it will root!

Good luck!!