Saturday, February 13, 2010

Romans 9-10

Is God fair? It's a question I've struggled with for a long time. How is it that I was adopted into a loving family while others grew up in orphanages or broken homes? Why was I chosen to live in this great country? Meanwhile, there are children in other nations going hungry, without proper medical care, and being exploited. It just doesn't seem fair.

Does God have a system behind who He chooses? I believe He chooses whomever He wants. It's not based on our desire or effort, but on His mercy. That doesn't mean we are mindless machines bending to His will though. We have a choice as well. To make the most out of our situations or to sit down in the dirt and feel sorry for ourselves. Don't blame God because you're sitting in the dirt. Get up and do something! You have a choice. God said that He will answer those who call on Him. So what do you have to lose by trying it? If it doesn't work, you can always sit back down in the dirt again.

So what was Israel's problem? They were hand-picked by God and yet some still didn't get it. They were pursuing their own righteousness (based on works) instead of God's righteousness (faith). They were completely missing the point. God said only a remnant {of Israelites} will be saved. But I believe many Christians are missing it too. We base our salvation around attending church once in a while, throwing a few bucks in the offering bucket now and then, and being basically good as long as it doesn't interfere with our wants and desires. But Christ said, "Narrow is the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

If we really put our trust in God, then we shouldn't look like the rest of the world. We are called to a higher standard, but many of us don't want to let go of this life. We want both. However, it is impossible to have two different masters. Again, God gives us the choice.

Some might think God is unfair because there are people who have never heard the gospel. But Christ reassures us that the end will not come until after the gospel is preached to all nations. Still, there are others who were raised in different religions. I believe that God can speak to anyone, even those who aren't seeking Him. I've known atheists who have turned their lives to Christ because He revealed Himself to them. God is God, and with Him all things are possible.