Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Moment of Genius

In the wee moments before I went to sleep last night, my mind was spewing out all sorts of random things. Here's a glimpse: Why is the light still on? I wish I had a clapper light. Clap On, Clap Off. Who invented that? Why can't I go to sleep? Ok, stop thinking...

What's the weather like tomorrow? Doh! I can't stop thinking! They should make something that empties your brain before bedtime. Maybe like a USB plug. Ooooo! Then you could plug it in to your computer, and Presto! You don't even have to type because it's already programmed in there. Dang I'm smart! Now I just have to figure out how to make it. If you have any ideas, we'll partner up and share the wealth 70-30. Ok fine, 60-40 but that's my final offer. Hey I think the Nyquil is starting to...