Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Grinch

I really don't like Christmas. To be honest it stresses me out. I took Gary Chapman's Five Love Languages test, and giving gifts was barely even on my list. Bummer.

The fact that I tend to procrastinate also plays a role in my dilemma. When it's somebody's birthday, I usually wait until the last minute unless I know of something that they would really like. People are way too humble though, and say crap like, "You don't have to get me anything."

Howeva, I like to celebrate birthdays. I like to buy things for my friends and family. I just don't know what to get. Help a sista out. I even sent out an email to my fam, asking for a wish list just to get some ideas. Do you know how many responded? Zero, zilch, not one.

At the moment, I have purchased 1 gift. Yeah, I know. 15 more days. Meanwhile, my face is breaking out, I'm having trouble sleeping at night, and the thought of giftcards is looking more appealing as the days roll on.

So whaddaya think? Is the "gift of choice" really of gift? Does it count? I, for one, love giftcards. Jesus said, "If you love me, you'll obey my commands." I say, "If you love me, you'll accept my giftcards." Any thoughts?


Anonymous said...

I'm not a giftcard giving person. I want to be able to pick something out cause it just seems more personable. But there are certain times where a giftcard seems like the only thing to give.